Broadcast Tool

Did you know?

We built our own broadcast tool!

  • Gather emails from WELSource or import addresses
  • Custom template design
  • Resend to follow up on unopened email recipients
  • Statistics

Go Team

Hear why the team, Sarah., Tom and Debbie, built the Broadcast Tool!

How it Works


See how a broadcast is created from start to finish.

How long did it take?

9 two week sprints

(October to February)

Burn Down Chart


  • Timeline
  • Tools capability
  • Scope


  • Customized
  • Connectivity to WELS database
  • Permissioned based security

Testing 1-2-3

We’ve been testing. Maybe you received a sample?


Finish Line

As the owner of this Broadcast Tool, I worked with the team to build a custom solution so that Communication Services could effectively message ministry constituents.